Feeling Blue

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Jane, in front of her trailer, with simple watercolor wash.

I haven’t posted in a while. Been feeling kinda blue. Maybe it’s December. Maybe it’s feeling overwhelmed by the world. Maybe it’s being too far from family for the holidays. I really have no idea. But I came across this image from last year and it captured exactly how I’m feeling at the moment. I thought I’d share in case you’re out there feeling blue as well. You’re not alone. And no doubt, the feeling will pass. The Winter Solstice approaches. #WinterFeels

Published by Jane's World

Jane's World is a Lambda Literary finalist: https://bit.ly/LTJWbks.

8 thoughts on “Feeling Blue

  1. It’s a hard time of year for many people, myself included. The reasons don’t have to make any sense they just are. You are also not alone and hopefully the solstice will help. Best wishes to you from the cold of New England.


  2. Just the other day I was thinking of you and my all-time favorite comic gang that were friends to me for many years. And I must say, “I miss them.” Having to put them away is bittersweet. Don’t get me wrong, I understand why. Yet, their antics often lifted my spirits when I was feeling blue, suffering a loss, coming out to family, and just plain dealing with life. Right now, I’m giving the gang their freedom to romp around in my memory. And when they’re ready, I know we’ll reconnect.
    End of year signals tying up loose ends, acknowledging that hard decisions were made and looking back for a sec. But now I look forward, to reading all the Missouri Vaun stories that I get find. You are a gift that keeps on giving-thank you.


  3. Thank you for sharing. December can be a tough month! I like what you said; And no doubt, the feeling will pass. It’s very similar to a mantra I’ve been using lately; this is all temporary. It sure doesn’t feel like it when you are going through it, but it is. Even though she is blue, it’s good to see Jane again. 🙂


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