Honored to Be a Lammy Finalist

Paige Braddock with Lambda Literary finalist badge
Photo by Celina De León.

I woke up thinking about the Lambda Literary Awards event. I’ve never lost an award and simultaneously had such a terrific evening. The awards program was funny, celebratory, entertaining, and inspiring. I was honored to be a finalist and I’m truly happy for all the winners. (And I realized I have a lot of great books to add to my reading list!)

Jennifer Camper and Garrard Conley presenting for Best LGBTQ Graphic Novel.
Jennifer Camper and Garrard Conley presenting for Best LGBTQ Graphic Novel. Photo by Celina De León.

When I was in college, so many people told me I would never be able to make a living in art. I’m happy to report they were wrong. But after last night I would also like to say to them that there are many other ways to measure wealth—in the community we build, in the friendships we nurture, and in the stories we share along the way.

Paige Braddock getting ready for the Lambda Literary Awards with my wife Evelyn.
Getting ready for the Lambda Literary Awards with my wife Evelyn. Photo by Celina De León.

Heartfelt thanks to everyone for a memorable night.